Low & Opinions on Daniele Luppi
Jim and Greg are joined by the Minnesota trio Low for a live performance and conversation about religion, rock and mixing music with marriage.

Music News
Two names making a lot of news in recent weeks are Tyler the Creator and Odd Future. Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All is a hip-hop collective that has released a lot of mixtapes and free digital albums in the past few years, and they've been gaining quite a lot of attention and quite a reputation. Their style is characterized by skillful rapping, boundless energy and violent lyrics filled with rape and murder imagery. The central figure is Tyler the Creator, and his new album Goblin just made it to #5 on the Billboard chart. That's a feat for a group that usually releases free music and would turn the stomachs of most mainstream music fans. Jim and Greg are interested to see how big audiences respond as the group continues to tour. So far the shows have been chaotic to say the least. And they also wonder if Tyler and Odd Future can graduate from the shock tactics into something more meaningful.
Next up, the Minnesota band Low visits the studio to perform songs from its recent album C’mon. Low is often inaccurately labeled "slowcore," because of their quiet sound. But they also know how to rock out and tackle everything from the war in Iraq to religion in their songs. Founding members Mimi Parker and Alan Sparhawk are not only band mates, but husband and wife and practicing Mormons. And after nine albums, they've gained a faithful following, which includes Robert Plant. He covered two of the band's songs on his last release Band of Joy. The band performs "Try To Sleep," "You See Everything" and "Witches."
Rome Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi

Rome is the newest release from Danger Mouse and Daniele Luppi.
Dear Listeners,
For more than 15 years, Sound Opinions was a production of WBEZ, Chicago's public radio station. Now that the show is independent, we're inviting you to join the band and lend a hand! We need your support more than ever because now we have to do all the behind-the-scenes work that WBEZ handled before (like buying insurance and paying for podcast hosting, ugh). Plus, we have some exciting ideas we'd like to try now that there's no one to tell us no!